
clever care now - caring for the community

New funding to support Shire seniors

Clever Care NOW receives IMB Bank Community Foundation funding to upgrade client and patient transport equipment to support seniors’ health and social connection.

Looking out the front window of her home, Sue eagerly waits for the Clever Care NOW assisted transport vehicle to roll up her driveway. The nurse/driver will take Sue to her family to join her granddaughter’s wedding celebration; an event she has been looking forward to for months.

Clever Care NOW (formerly known as Nurses on Wheels) assisted transport service is often the lifeline to the broader community for many aged, frail and wheelchair bound Australians.

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Senior transport to appointments

As we age, everyday tasks become more challenging. We may need assistance with personal care, medication management, meal preparation or transport getting to and from medical appointments.

Many people are unable to drive due to medical factors such as poor vision, or may no longer have the confidence to navigate traffic. Family members or friends may not always be available to assist.

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End of life caring

Research studies show that carers who are more informed are better prepared for their role. There are various resources available to support those caring for people nearing the end of life.

Many family carers are living their first experience of supporting someone who is at the end of life and may feel overwhelmed. It is important to know that there is help available.

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