
clever care now - caring for the community

Everyone deserves access to health care

Assisted Transport - Seniors Transport - Disability Transport

The Australian government is urging all people with chronic health conditions not to neglect their health and see their general practitioner or specialist to manage their conditions. It is critical that people continue to manage their health throughout this health crisis, be it through the expanded telehealth network or in person.

In person appointments can be difficult for people who may have mobility restrictions or high medical needs.

Our Clever Care NOW patient transport service is available to take wheelchair or bed bound people to important medical and health appointments.

The fully equipped, air-conditioned and specially modified vehicles and equipment offer comfortable door to door travel across Sydney and interstate.

Mobility aids and equipment are available to ensure the most comfortable and tailored care is delivered during transportation.

Our thoughtful, caring and qualified nursing professionals are on-hand during each trip for assistance if needed.

We provide hospital transport, travel to medical appointments, family events such as funerals and weddings, shopping and social outings.